Southern Baptist Convention Highlights

  1. It is good to remember that the social media SBC is not the same as the annual meeting SBC and the annual meeting only fuels the every day work of gospel-loving Baptists. So, do not believe everything you read or hear on the interwebs. Be kind and ask a lot of questions.
  2. The “Law Amendment” did not pass, but this does not necessarily mean the SBC is slipping into liberalism. FBC Alexandria, Virginia, appealed the decision of the Credentials Committee to consider FBC Alexandria no longer in friendly agreement. This means FBC Alexandria was removed from the SBC. The decision to consider FBC no longer in friendly agreement was upheld by 91% of the voting messengers. When we consider the failure of the Law Amendment and upholding the FBC Alexandria decision, we need to recognize there is much work for us to do as churches in the area of ecclesiology. How should a church be ordered? Does God care? My hope is for pastors and state and national leaders to do that work clearly and kindly.
  3. I hope and believe Jeff Iorg leading the Executive Committee will be a good thing for Southern Baptists.
  4. Bart Barber’s presidential address/sermon was a good and faithful exposition and application of Romans 15. You and the churches will be helped by listening to his message. Click here for the video for Tuesday morning and go to 3:00:00.
  5. The appointment of 83 new missionaries through the International Mission Board is always the highlight of our meetings. It is the reason we meeting. Click here for the video for Tuesday morning and go to 1:58:00

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