Discuss Ephesians 3:20-21

  1. How did God comfort, challenge, or correct you today through the readings, songs, and prayers of the church?
  2. What was your main takeaway from the sermon today?
  3. What is God up to in your life? What is God doing?
  4. Think of a time when you struggled to trust God. What helped you? How can you share that with those who struggle today?
  5. What are you praying for? How can your brothers and sisters around you help you keep praying and not lose heart?
  6. What is something amazing about God? What stirs you up to wonder and worship? How does this reality help you keep praying?
  7. Where do you see God’s glory in the church you belong to?
  8. How can you more clearly make God’s glory known in the church?
  9. Where do you see God’s glory in Jesus Christ?
  10. How can you make the glorious Jesus known at your school, on your street, or through you work?
  11. What do your plans and daydreams consist of? Do your plans and daydreams focus on God being glorified in the church? Do you, church member, plan and pray for this church to glorify God more clearly and consistently? What would that look like?
  12. What do you want the generations coming after you to know about God? What practical every day things can you do to share that glory with your great great great grandchildren?

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