Philippians 2:25-26

1. Paul felt that the needs of the church at Philippi were greater than his own by sending Epaphroditus to them. In what ways can we meet others needs as greater than our own?

2. Paul’s description of how he felt about Epaphroditus’ help was sure to be an encouragement to Epaphroditus. How can our words concerning a friend or family member to someone else be an encouragement? Say a positive word about a family member’s gifting to your family.

3. How do we cultivate relationships within the church? (Working for the Gospel, as soldiers, etc.)

4. It is often times easy to meet someone else’s need(s). But when we have a need, what can hinder that need being met by others? (Exam: Pride, not letting it be known, etc.)

5. Is there anyone in the church that you are praying for?

6. Pray for missionaries that are on the field that are having difficulty. Joe Ragan in Eastern Ukraine; the Afflack family in East Asia.

7. Pray for those in the church that are ill. Perhaps write them a prayer of encouragement from your family.

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